June - Car Usage

Use these lessons and activities to teach kids about the importance of minimizing car usage AND about how fun it can be to walk somewhere!

Lesson plan: Talk about paying attention on the road. Look both ways in intersections, watch for street signs, lookout for pedestrians/cyclists crossing the road etc.

Make walking somewhere a game. Having the kids look for stuff/ point out new things on the walk, discussing how they would not have seen while in a car. See who can find the most new things each time. Another one could be a traveling game called -Scavenger Hunt- in which you give each of the kids a list of items to watch for while driving. The list could contain things that you might not notice before like a woman with high boot or a license plate with the letter "W". You can make the list before hand to adjust to your situation.

Lesson Plan: Talk about safety in a car.  For example: wearing your seatbelts, managing speed limits, avoid idling, and avoiding acceleration/taking off suddenly.  Many of these safety tips also help save gas, conserving resources.

Do an activity called “safety skits” where a group of kids can act out a car safety theme by acting out scenarios that illustrate the correct and incorrect way of performing a car related task. For example, pretending to be going into a car and not putting on your seat buckle, talking to your friend while driving, not paying attention to the road, etc.

Lesson Plan: Talk about using other means of travel by saving energy like walking, riding your bike, using public transportation and carpooling (sharing rides).

Take the kids out into town by public transportation, visiting places and teaching about the use of public transportation. Talk and engage the kids in thoughtful ideas about energy conservation.

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